crashbandicoot1ps4| The domestic glycerol market rose slightly by 1.41% and the raw material end fluctuated, and the demand for epichlorohydrin was weak.


Newsletter summary

Title: the domestic glycerol market is steadily rising.Crashbandicoot1ps4Raw material end pressure relief news: this week, the domestic glycerol market performance is stable, the price is rising steadily. As of April 18, the benchmark price of glycerol was 4500 yuan / ton, up 1% from the beginning of the month.Crashbandicoot1ps441%. The price of palm oil on the raw material side fell 2.45% due to the recovery of output on the outer disk and the sluggish demand for domestic catering. The market demand for epichlorohydrin downstream is weak. Analysts expect glycerol prices to remain stable in the short term due to raw material-side price fluctuations and weak downstream market demand. Investors need to pay attention to further developments in the market.

Text of news flash

[the domestic glycerol market is running smoothly this week]

crashbandicoot1ps4| The domestic glycerol market rose slightly by 1.41% and the raw material end fluctuated, and the demand for epichlorohydrin was weak.

The price of glycerol in the domestic market remained stable this weekend (April 18). As of that date, according to data from the monitoring system, the benchmark price of glycerol was 4500.00 yuan per ton, up 1.41 per cent from 4437.50 yuan per ton at the beginning of this month.

The influence of the raw material end is obvious, and the price of palm oil fluctuates and falls due to multiple factors. Due to the gradual recovery of Malay palm oil production in the outer disk and the low domestic catering demand, the market of alternatives such as soybean oil also showed a downward trend, resulting in further pressure on palm oil prices. According to monitoring on April 18, the benchmark price of palm oil was 8038.00 yuan per ton, down 2.45 per cent from the beginning of this month.

In the downstream market, the performance of epichlorohydrin market is light and the demand is weak.

Looking to the later stage, according to the analysis of glycerol data analysts, the oscillatory decline in raw materials such as soybean oil and palm oil, coupled with the wait-and-see attitude of enterprises, and the light demand in the downstream cyclochlorine market, domestic glycerol prices are expected to remain stable in the near future. More market developments need to pay attention to the market for further guidance.

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